Saturday, January 5, 2008

Day two, no power

Yes, we were in another windstorm, and are without power, AGAIN. Is this our future folks? Hurricane Cat 5 winds in the mountains (156 mph, never happened before), flooding in areas never flooded before, drought like never before, etc...what's your "natural" disaster?

We embarked on our roadtrip/sabbatical because the windstorm of December 2006 in Seattle put a tree on our house. At the time I remember it being called the 100 year storm. Then about a month later it was called the 50 year storm, and now after the December 2007 storm that hit Seattle, I think it's being referred to as the "Maybe this shit will happen every year" storm. SOOOO we went through one of the windiest storms ever remembered in Pugetopia, we hit the road, next winter comes and another crazy storm comes and floods areas never flooded before in Washington state. Well here we are in the bay area and a windstorm comes through (like never before?) knocks the power out, and they're not saying when it will come back on. Hurricane force winds rocked the Sierra (like never before). Think mother earth is a tad bit angry at us?

Here's my plan. Diana and I have obviously offended the Goddess of Wind so I think I need to appease her in some way. We no doubt will have another run in with her so I plan to offer myself as a sacrifice. Remember the end of Dances With Wolves when Kevin Costner and Mary MacDonald are leaving the winter camp to go and plead the Lakota Sioux argument to the Fed in DC? They're both on horseback riding a narrow path out of the snowy valley and up above them high on a cliff face is Wind in His Hair, on horseback, spear in hand, and he is yelling at the top of his lungs, "Swameny chutonka o watchee!" He keeps yelling this, "Swameny chutonka o watchee!" Which if you're versed in Lakota means "I am Wind in His Hair, do you see me? Dances With Wolves is my friend!" Here the tears start rolling down your cheeks I know but look back at the screen if you can and notice Wind in His Hair. His hair really does have wind in it right there in that moment. Form meets function right? So I'm thinkin' during this next windstorm, depending who we visit next it might be near you, I'm going to climb up a tree like John Muir did during the peak of the highest gust, climb right up to the crown and hug that baby for dear life, and I'm gonna yell "I am Wind in His Hair! I am Wind in His Hair!"

Now if I make it out of that, one of two things will be accomplished I reckon. Either I will appease the Goddess and she will leave us to go and play in the North Pacific somewhere, or it won't work, she will still follow us, BUT, the next storm won't seem so bad to me. In fact, I might go ahead and take a stroll outside just to get some fresh air. Sounds like a win wind situation if you ask me. :)


Anonymous said...

I think the scene in Forest Gump when Lieutenant Dan straps himself to the Jenny's mast and curses at the Gods during the big storm would also be comparable to your next encounter with the storms that chase you. "One who is Chased by Father Storm" might be a suitable Lakota name for you. I personally enjoyed the storms you brought to Central Oregon during your last visit. Luckily we are protected by the Three Sisters and the other volcanoes here in Bend.

J and Di said...

Amen to that brother! It's always a treat for us to swing through our "second home." Hey, wasn't Forest Gump also in Joe and the Volcano? Hmmm...

ChewyKolchuk said...

You fukn hippies! You're both growing your hair out. I think you should shave 'er bald (yes, you too Di) and utilize your beautiful locks as an offering.

J. Jason Graff said...

Then I guess I'd have to yell, "I'm Wind on his Head! I'm Wind on his Head!" Doesn't quite have the same effect.