Monday, July 23, 2007

So we will begin our trip on Wednesday August 1st with a jaunt in Squamish BC, land of the hairy sasquatch, playing on the rocks that are scattered around this, North America's southern-most fjord. Squamish is a climbing mecca. A kite boarding mecca. A mountain biking mecca. It's just mecca. Home of the 2010 Winter Olympics. Well technically speaking the Olympics will be held in Vancouver and Whistler, but Squam (or Squish as Adam likes to call it), is the place where everyone will board buses from Vancouver to head up to Whistler for the snow events. Squamish. Where crabs rest with coyotes, and the hills spill free Kokanee from the glaciers above.


ChewyKolchuk said...

Oh boy, you fine folks is quick on the draw! Less than 24hrs since I left a msg and you're up and running. I can't wait for you two to leave...

Goodnight, Mom said...

Wow! This sounds like such an amazing trip! I'm a friend of Maria's from when she was at Festevents and she sent me your blog. I can't WAIT to read all about your adventures! Have a great time!

J and Di said...

Thanks Chuck, there a few people in this town feelin' the same way!

And thank you Kristi. We'll try to stay on top of it.

Anonymous said...

woohoo! see you on the first leg of the trip!

Unknown said...

Enjoy your adventure! You will have a blast I am sure. My 2 month drive 'round the country in '93 was one of the best experiences in my life! Granted we were in a 1976 Vdub pop up that took all three of us girls to turn in reverse. We also had very little money so were were stinky and hungry. Sounds like your conditions will be much better!!! Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy and if you feel like going a little more diagonally, come see us in FL!